How Online Invoicing Can Improve Your Overall Business

Online invoicing makes managing, creating and sending invoices as easy as clicking a button. Many businesses have converted over to this method of invoicing to save time, increase accuracy, and overall visibility of the invoicing process. Below are some of the examples of how this method of online invoicing can improve your business:

Track of dates sent, viewed

When sending an invoice from Xero or QuickBooks Online for example, you’ll be able to see if the invoice has been sent to the client, the time it was sent, and how many times it was viewed. Also with this information, you’ll be able to see the email that was sent with the invoice to keep track of any notes or updates you may have provided to the client when sending the invoice.

Global updates on all changes

If there is an update to an invoice, the next time the invoice link is clicked by a client, the invoice will automatically update. There is no need to re-send or notify the client of changes if they are expecting them to be made.

Email Templates and More

You can save your invoicing template to save time when sending the same type of invoices to clients. With a few clicks, you can save a pre-formatted template to a client, alongside the invoice. Set reminder emails effortlessly, and ahead of time, to ensure clients pay on time.

You can set invoices to automatically recur for auto-billing, allowing your company to significantly cut your time investment, on such processes.

Invoices can be set to automatically recur and set to auto pay by customers with Xero’s recently announced at Xerocon San Diego 2019.

Ability to Integrate Third Party Platforms

Third party e-commerce sites like WooCommerce and Shopify can push client orders directly into your cloud accounting platform. Have invoices created automatically from your e-commerce sites and be sent with ease. No need for manual entries or reconciliation of every order, let online invoicing and the cloud automate these processes for you!

The above features are highly recommended to all businesses on the cloud. There are no reasons to let any invoice go unpaid or fall through the cracks, as a result of internal processing, or archaic processes. Learn more today about how you can invoice online and transition your business for maximum efficiency and visibility.